
Metode pembayaran apa saja yang tersedia?

Saat ini kami hanya menyediakan layanan Direct Bank Transfer ke Bank BCA dengan Nomor Rekening 0089911771 a/n CV CIPTA SELARAS UTAMA.

Apa ada batas waktu untuk membayar?

Batas waktu pembayaran maksimal 2 Jam setelah order dibuat.

Jika Butuh tambahan waktu, silahkan hubungi Customer Service kami.

Apakah perlu mengkonfirmasi setelah melakukan pembayaran?

Tanpa konfirmasi pembayaran, pesanan akan kami proses otomatis setelah pembayaran ter-verifikasi.

Kami sarankan agar dilakukan konfirmasi pembayaran via Whatsapp Customer Service agar proses lebih cepat.

Apa pesanan bisa dibatalkan?

Setelah proses pembayaran selesai, pesanan tidak bisa dibatalkan. Tapi, jika ada kesalahan size, warna atau kendala lainnya, pesanan bisa ditukar dengan menghubungi Customer Service kami malalui WhatsApp.


Kapan pesanan saya akan diproses?

Untuk pesanan dengan pembayaran yang terverifikasi sebelum Jam 16.00 akan diproses di hari yang sama. Pesanan yang terverifikasi diatas Jam 16.00 akan di proses di hari kerja berikutnya. Hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan Hari Libur Nasional tidak ada proses pengiriman.

Kapan pesanan saya akan sampai?

Proses pengiriman membutuhkan waktu minimal 1-2 hari dan bergantung pada jasa ekspedisi yang anda pilih.

Bagaimana cara untuk melacak pesanan saya?

Kita akan menyediakan nomor resi pengiriman yang bisa di cek di masing2 website jasa pengiriman.

Pesanan saya belum sampai lebih dari waktu biasanya. Apa yang bisa saya lakukan?

Segera hubungi Customer Service kami untuk dibantu pengecekan ke jasa ekspedisi. Jika berkenan, anda bisa melakukan pengecekan ke jasa ekspedisi yang bersangkutan.

Penukaran Produk

Jika saya tidak puas dengan kualitas produk, bisakah saya mengembalikan atau menukarnya?

Mengembalikan atau menukar produk hanya dapat diterima jika kesalahan dilakukan oleh pihak tim Maddie Lee. Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai pengembalian dan penukaran barang, anda bisa melihatnya di menu Return & Exchange kami.

Produk apa saja yang bisa ditukar?

Penukaran produk hanya berlaku untuk produk yang sama. Jika ingin di tukar dengan produk dan size yang berbeda, kami akan melakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu terhadap barang tersebut. jika harga produk baru lebih murah, maka akan dianggap sama harga dengan produk sebelumnya, jika harga produk baru lebih mahal, maka anda wajib membayar selisih harga.

Berapa lama proses penukaran produk?

Penukaran barang akan diproses secepatnya atau dalam jangka waktu maksimal 3 hari kerja setelah paket retur tiba di gudang kami


What method of payment is available?

At the moment we only provide Direct Bank transfer to BCA account no 0089911771 (CV CIPTA SELARAS UTAMA).

Is there a time limit to pay for my order?

There is a 2-hour time limit to complete your payment after your order is made. However, if you need additional time, please contact our customer service.

Do we need to confirm our payment?

Your order will be automatically processed if the payment has been verified. We suggest that you send in your payment confirmation to our customer service through WhatsApp to speed up the shipping process.

Can I cancel my order?

Once payment is completed, you cannot cancel your order. However, if there is a mistake in size, color, or other issues, you can exchange your order by contacting our customer service through our WhatsApp.


When will my order be processed?

For orders whose payment has been verified before 16:00 it will be processed on the same day. If the payment verification is after 16:00 it will be processed the next working day. On Saturday, Sunday, and National Holiday there will be no shipment.

When will my order arrive?

The shipment process will take at least 1-2 days depending on your choice of shipment courier that we have provided.

How to track my order?

We will provide your order number that can be used to track your shipment through each shipment company.

My order took an unusually long time to arrive, what should I do?

Contact our customer service department immediately so we can help identify the problems that are happening with the shipment. You can also check with your shipment service provider to identify the problem.

Product Exchange

If I’m not satisfied with the quality of the product, can I return or exchange the product?

Returning or exchanging products will only be accepted if there is a mistake that is made by our team. For more information about return and exchange you can view them on our return and exchange menu.

What product can be exchanged?

Exchanges are valid for the same product. If you are to exchange your order for a different product and size, we will have to check the orders that are being exchanged. If the price of the new product is lower than your order, there will be no money returned. However, if the price of the new product is higher, you are obligated to pay the difference in price between your order and the new product.

How long is the exchange process?

Exchanges will be processed as soon as your order is received by us. With a maximum processing of 3 working days.