How To Order

Bagaimana Cara Memesan?

1. Pilih produk berdasarkan kategori, style atau warna yang tertera di Halaman Utama lalu pilih produk yang ingin anda beli dan tambah ke keranjang.

2. Lihat keranjang dan pastikan pesanan anda benar.

3. Jika pesanan sudah benar, lanjut ke checkout.

4. Buat akun dan isi informasi kontak dan alamat pengiriman.

5. Pilih cara pengiriman yang ingin anda gunakan.

6. Pilih metode pembayaran yang ingin anda gunakan, lalu klik place to order.

7. Lakukan pembayaran sesuai nominal dan metode pembayaran yang dipilih.

8. Jangan lupa untuk konfirmasi pembayaran anda pada halaman yang sudah di sediakan.

9. Tunggu pesanan anda sampai pada tujuan yang akan dikirim 1 (satu) hari kerja setelah pembayaran and sudah di terima oleh tim kami.

How To Order?

1. Browse products based on their category, style, or color through our Home Page and choose what you would like to buy and add to cart.

2. View your cart and check your order to make sure that your order is correct.

3. If your order is correct, proceed to check out.

4. Create an account and fill in your contact information along with the shipping address.

5. Choose the shipping method that you would like to use.

6. Then proceed to the payment method of your choosing.

7. Complete your payment with the payment method of your choosing

8. Confirm your payment at the end of the page.

9. Sit back and wait for your order to be delivered which will be sent out 1 (one) working day after your payment has been verified by our team.