Maddie Lee menjadikan kepuasaan pelanggan nomor satu!
Kami menyediakan layanan penukaran produk agar anda merasa nyaman berbelanja di Maddie Lee.
Kami ingin anda puas dengan pembelian anda.
Dengan ini ada beberapa ketentuan yang harus diperhatikan sebelum mengajukan penukaran atau pengembalian barang:
1. Pengajuan pengembalian dan penukaran barang kami terima maksimal 14 hari sejak pesanan diterima.
2. Ongkir ditanggung sepenuhnya oleh pembeli jika kesalahan atau keinginan tukar produk datang dari pembeli, begitupun sebaliknya.
3. Retur barang hanya diterima bila barang belum terpakai, belum dicuci dan lengkap dengan label yang masih terpasang.
4. Barang harus dibeli melalui Situs Web, atau melalui Whatsapp +62821-1613-1984 (Customer Service Maddie Lee).
5. Penukaran hanya dapat di lakukan sebanyak 1 (satu) kali.
6. Penukaran produk harus menyertakan bukti yang wajib dilampirkan. Pelanggan di sarankan merekam video sebelum dan saat paket di buka (video unboxing).
7. Setelah produk diterima, produk akan diperiksa terlebih dahulu oleh tim Maddie Lee, untuk menentukan apa produk yang bersangkutan sudah sesuai dengan kriteria penukaran produk.
8. Penukaran produk dapat dilakukan dengan seluruh produk yang ada di website Maddie Lee. Jika ada perbedaan diantara harga, maka customer wajib untuk membayar selisih dari harga produk tersebut.
9. Maddie Lee berhak menolak permintaan pengembalian atau penukaran jika di nilai tidak memenuhi kriteria penukaran produk.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai kebijakan penukaran dan pengembalian lebih lanjut, dapat menghubungi customer service kami melalui WhatsApp +62821-1613-1984 (Customer Service Maddie Lee)
Return & Exchange
In Maddie Lee, customer satisfaction is our number one priority.
We have provided exchange and return to ease your worries and make you feel comfortable shopping with us.
We want you to be satisfied with your purchase.
However, there are a couple of policies that we have here in Maddie Lee in order to process your return and exchange. This includes:
1. There are 14 days return and exchange policies since the delivery of your order.
2. The shipping cost will come from the buyer if the buyer makes a mistake or has the intention to exchange the item that has been purchased, vice versa.
3. Items must be in original sale condition (unworn, unwashed, or otherwise unused with original tags/labels attached).
4. Items must be purchased through our website,, or through our WhatsApp +62821-1613-1984 (Customer Service Maddie Lee).
5. Customer only can return or exchange 1 (one) time.
6. All return and exchanges will be required to show proof of evidence. In which we recommend customers to have proof of video with the help of an unboxing video when receiving their order.
7. Once the items have been received by our team it will be checked and verified whether it meets our return and exchange policy before being processed.
8. Exchange can be made with any products in our website. However, if the item has a higher price customer are required to pay the difference in price.
9. Maddie Lee serves the right to reject return and exchange if any of the requirements are not met and the decision is final.
For more information about our return and exchange policy, contact our customer service through our WhatsApp +62821-1613-1984 (Customer Service Maddie Lee).